Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Yes! We're Open Tues, 10/30

Rick's is open for lessons and full of Post-Sandy bargins on great musical gear for you!

We've got lights, free wi-fi, a Chicago concert playing on the TV's and the Cafe is opening at 3pm with some storm specials. Come on in!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Mon, Oct 29 Store Closed & Lessons Cancelled

All lessons cancelled and the Store will be closed due to Hurricane Sandy today, Mon. Oct 29.   Stay safe everybody and we’ll see you tomorrow!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Stolen Gear...Oh No! It could happen to you.

No one likes to think about their precious music gear getting stolen but it happens. We'd like to offer some advice that will aid in recovery if this happens to you. It's easy and most people don't even think about it...

Keep a Gear File:  In it, put good pictures and on the back, record the year, Make, model & serial number of each item. The SERIAL NUMBER is the most important piece of information! (Without the serial number, Police will ask you if it has any identifying marks or special components in it.) Throw your purchase receipt into the file and you'll know just where to find it if you need a warranty repair.

We hope theft never happens to you, but if it does, speed is critical for a better chance of recovery. Having this file at your fingertips will be your biggest asset.