Friday, November 23, 2012

Top 5 Reasons to Shop @Rick's on Small Business Sat


On Small Business Saturday, Nov 24th

1. Keep the money local.
2. Support the local business that supports YOU and your community.
3. Same prices or lower than big box stores.
4. We promote what you care, education and live performance.
5. We take care of you every step of the way (You won't have to call a foreign land to get your questions answered!)

It's our 30th Anniversary! Shopping small assures your favorite family business stays in business!  We're celebrating with some GREAT DEALS!!! 


  1. Why I shop at Ricks,

    I am a HUGE fan of Local Small business's in a big way!!! Going to Rick's Music World for me is multifaceted. Whenever I look for or need something to do with my open mike or my own personal seeking of new instruments and accessory needs, I do NOT go to Google regarding where to get the best deal on ANYTHING! I GO TO RICK'S

    One thing I have totally found out is that Rick Santos is my TRUE, Musicians Friend and he is the Daddy (s) of so many of kids of all ages even me. Rick's is my Guitar Center and for so many other instruments & accessories with a heart which is so lacking in the with the HUGE Conglomerates (many already have failed ex.Daddy's,Mars & more to come), as well as the on line places that attract so many but offer so little with regard to the local personal touch that Rick's is ALL about!!

    Please take a look at what you want, talk with Rick or any of the great staff about anything and if they do not happen to have the particular product, they will do their best to get it, let you know an opinion, if you wish one and be there tomorrow to help you learn how to play whatever you just bought. When thinking about shopping for instruments, new, used, consignment, when you are thinking sound and lighting of course lessons on so many and varied instruments & many things I know I am missing,
    Think of Rick's Music World.

    Rick & Robin Santos & all staff will make you feel at home on the busiest of days, you will always be a person as opposed to an account number and most often the 2nd time you step through the doorway at Rick's you very well may be greeted by your name with a great welcome back!

    May I also tell those few of you that may not know, On Thursday Night's Rick host's the most popular and wonderful Open Mikes in the entire greater Raynham/Taunton area. There is also a most incredible song circle lead by dear friend of Rick's, Tom Irving.

    Shop till you drop and let us ALL support this vibrant local favorite Community Leader in the field of EVERYTHING MUSIC, STAGE, LIGHTING AND LESSONS!!!

    See you all at Rick's when shopping and a most wonderful Holiday Season to one and all. Please remember, Holiday special at Ricks are year round event unlike some of those "others" out there that are seasonal and are by far not a 30 YEAR LOCAL small business!!!

    Happy 30th Anniversary Ricks Music World!!!

    Neal Braverman
    Roslindale Open Mike

    1. We are speechless! Thank you so much, Neal, for that incredible testimonial!!!


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